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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Oh My Aching Feet!!!

My feet have issues.  ISSUES.  I won't even "go there".  But...I seriously need pedicures on a weekly basis.  If I didn't feel so horrible for what I put the person through actually doing my pedicure and felt I had to tip an arm and a leg....I would probably go more often.  Don't you just hate when they start talking in a foreign language while you are having your pedicure.  I can almost translate it to being...OH MY OH MY this woman...LOOK AT HER FEET!  Or does that just happen to me?   *sighs*  What's a girl to do?  It's in the genes.

Any clue what this is??

Looky what I got!!!  Mats for my kitchen.  Not just any kind of mat....SOFT CUSHIONY BEYOND BELIEF MATS!  Your feet just sink into them.   Hub surprised me last week with these mats.  He truly knows I have aching feet and he's such a sweetheart.  A thoughtful sweetheart at that.  Guess where he found them?  Big Lots!!  I had eyeballed them several weeks ago....he notices things I don't think he notices....I'm so happy to have them under my feet.  Of course...I could look at it like this....I guess he's assuming I'll be cooking and washing dishes more with these wonderful mats??  Nah....I do a weekly menu around here and he knows I cook 6 out of 7 days normally.  He was absolutely being a nice hubby!

Can we say "HAPPY FEET"??  Yes we can!!
What do you think this is???  I'll be posting a blog about it tomorrow!!!  See ya then!

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